Monday, July 7, 2014

The Guest of Imam Reza a.s.
Allahumma salle ‘ala Muhammad wa Aali Muhammad


               This is the experience of my father when he was visiting Iran abaut four years ago. He went along with some fellow shia brothers and sisters from Indonesia for  ziyarat and Umrah. By a travelling agent,  they were visiting Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran only in two weeks. A story has been told to us about an experience  at  Imam Reza’s shrine in Mashad.

                It was the time  when my father at first came to the gate of the shrine, somehow he felt a sense of a deep longing. Then when he get in, and saw  the crowded of the people there, his heart was so touched. He whispered to his own heart,

                “They are all Imam Reza’s guest, mashaAllah.”

                My Father  told me  how the servants of Imam Reza there  act so humbly to every guest, when they want to rebuke any of the zarine who maybe did something a bit unproper in the crowded, they rebuke very politely using a feather duster. it was such a touchful experience. My father in that such of crowded felt how small he was. He realized that he and all the visitors are the guest of Imam Reza, so he didn’t dare to force his self to move on due to affraid of disturbing other guest. At the same time, he was so eagerly wants to reach the tomb of the shrine to release his belonging to Imam. In the situation, he was praying to Imam Reza in his heart,

                “Ya Imam, we are all your guest, and I don’t want to disturb your  others guest, but I want to reach your tomb.”

                After my father praying, didn’t know  where from, suddenly there was a huge man. From the figure, he was like an Arabic. That man gave his arm on my father’s shoulder like protecting him, and said a word,


                My father was so amazed! Bareng is our traditional language! Not even our national language. It means LETS TOGETHER. Hows the guy knows our traditional language? Javanese language? His figure even does not like any Indonesian. And how he knows that my father knows Javanese? My father is an Arab’s descent. He doesn’t look like an Indonesian, moreover a Javanese.

                That huge man was like protecting my father so he could move on the crowded smoothly. Very smooth like even he didn’t  touch others guest. And right at the time my father reach the tomb, that huge man was also gone.  Until now my father still asking to his self who that man was. But whoever he was, my father believes that man came as the answer for his dua to Imam Reza a.s.

(by: Syarifah Luluk for  International Razavi Weblog Festival)