Sunday, November 16, 2014

Jesus In Karbala

Jesus in Karbala

Once,  Jesus AS was traveling in the wild companied with Alhawarion (disciples), and they passed a vast desert. There, they saw a scary lion blocked the way.

Jesus AS came forward and said to the lion,

“ Why are you sitting on this way and not allowing us to go through it?”

 The lion spoke with clear language,

“I will not allow you to get through it until you curse Yazid, the killer of Hussain AS”.

 “ Who is Hussain?” asked Jesus AS

 “He is the grandson of the Umi{from Mecca} Prophet Mohammed SAWA, and the son of Ali The Guardian,”

“Who is his killer?”

 “ His killer is the cursed by the monsters, flies, and lions altogether, especially in the days of Ashura.” Said the lion.
Then Jesus AS raised his hands and cursed Yazid and prayed against him, and his companions said “Ameen” for his supplication.

 Therefore the lion went to the side and allowed them to gi through the vast desert which is now known as KARBALA.